Painting Over Wallpaper Yes Can Indeed Paint Over Wallpaper
Sick and tired of wallpaper in your house? Before you go to the trouble of stripping it off, consider covering it with a few coats of paint. I'll show you how to do it and if painting over wallpaper would be the right solution.
Peel Off Or Paint Over Is The Question
Looking to redo a wall that has been wallpapered? 9 times out of 10 you weren’t the one to put up the existing layer wallpaper, any number of imperfections—from nail holes to degraded plaster—may lurk underneath it. Another ugly truth: The wallpaper you see may, in fact, be only the top layer of several . It’s hard enough to take off one , let alone multiple layers. If the wallpaper is still in tact at the seams your good to go, If not there is more work to be done.
Steps To Paint Over Wall Paper
As mentioned previously if the seams are in tack your good to go right away. Lightly sand at the seams , put an oil base primer we like to use Extreme cover stain blocker by Sherwin-Williams You can also use this product as well . Zinzer's wallpaper cover up. I've found both products performed well for this task.
Let dry and paint with a color and sheen favorable to your liking . Need help figuring which sheen to use have no fear. We've got you covered.
Alternative Method: If The Wall Paper Is In Bad Shape
Now if the wallpaper is damaged, busting at the seams, and or peeling You've got more work to do.
Alternative Steps : Painting Over Wallpaper
First you will need to start off by scraping any loose paper and adhesives. Then, grab your sandpaper and or sanding machine and buff it down as flat as possible. Clean up all dust and residue of the walls using tsp diluted mix. Now your ready to get the walls smooth .
Tape any rough seams using drywall taping knife and drywall compound. While you have that out , may as well fill any nail holes or make any repairs to the walls needed. May need to repeat for 2-3 coats to get it as smooth as possible; Disregard multiple coats if you plan on texturing the wall . Sand down the drywall and you are ready to prime and paint per the steps described previously in this article