Change oil base to Latex

How To Paint Over Oil Base Paint ( With A Latex)

oil base, latex paint, interior paint contractor

So you have oil based paint on all your trim & Doors Through out your home. What was once a bright white is now a dull yellow?,Eww! . Then of course oil based paint can be the  culprit, because of their curing mechanism, which tends to yellow, particularly in areas that are not exposed to sunlight. Oil-based varnishes start with an amber cast and will darken with age.But not to worry what was once dull and ordinary can become Shiny and bright.  If Latex you can paint right over with a latex and then be done with it , but if not be prepared for extra steps into painting. If you still not sure which type you have currently (oil base or latex) take a few mins here and you could tell also HERE

So what's the process? (When Painting Over Oil Base With a Latex

First and foremost you want to make sure all of the trim is free of  dust and dirt. Use a wet rag and wipe clean .

Secondly you want to scuff up the current surface.  Use a fine grit sandpaper 120-220 grit works best

Thirdly, Go back with the wet rag and give it a nice once over . You are now ready to put the primer on .

Which primer to use? Oil Base Or Latex?

Okay so its now no longer a mystery, We are trying to go from oil to latex so we will definitely  use a latex   bonding primer , as an under coat for the latex top coat . The reason for the scuff sanding is to rough up the surface to make the primer grip and adhere. Oil and water dont mix too well so when reverting it takes  extra prep. Skipping these steps will have you in a heap of trouble in the near future. Not scuffing up the surface and not using a BONDING primer . You could rest assure the paint will start peeling without the right preparation .

You ready to get to painting Only if you have followed these steps You can paint over oil based with a latex

Don't know how? take a quick read HERE.