Tips To Prepare Your Home For Cold Weather

5 tips to winterize Home in preparation of Houston Cold Snap.

Rumor has it we are in the working of an arctic weather blast again . Colder temperatures will start to settle starting tomorrow. This is according to the weather and news channels .

Temperatures are said to reach at least into the 30's heading into the holiday. Remember the previous cold snap we had? Power grid failure. Home damages and all

The worst thing to do is nothing during this cold snap . It's time to prepare and winterize these homes.

How To Winterize Home For Cold Weather

avoid letting winter weather catch you off guard with your home is unprepared. You can experience damage ranging from burst pipes to a collapsed roof. Costs for home repairs of this scale add up quickly, so prepping your house for the colder months is smart.

Temperatures are expected to get below freezing before Christmas weekend. While conditions are not supposed to be as extreme as the Texas Freeze in 2021, it’s a reminder to be prepared.

Err On The Side Of Caution

You may be planning on going out of town for the holidays , or you maybe are hosting this year. It's better to be safe than sorry . On the other hand it looks as if the power grid situation shouldn't be a problem.

The Electric Reliability Council of Texas, which manages most of the state’s power grid, says it is closely monitoring weather forecasts and models and "expects sufficient generation to meet forecasted demand and will continue to provide updates." 

The power grid operator said it has been working closely with the Public Utility Commission for the past 18 months to implement reforms, increase grid reliability – including weatherization – bring more generation online sooner if needed, and purchase more reserve power.  According to an article on Fox News

1) Insulate Plumbing Pipes

When water pipes freeze and burst, they can cause water damage. Avoid possible flooding,and messy cleanup by insulating your water pipes.

Materials such as heating tape and fiberglass works really well. In fact ,you could find any hardware store in your area. items will be fully stocked nationwide.

If you are faced with a broken pipe, shut off that water immediatley. If you need help call your local plumber, handyman, or contractor

2) Seal Air Leaks

By preventing cold air from leaking into your home, you can save money on your energy bills and also make your home warmer. To reduce air leakage, install or replace the door sweep at the base of your door and apply caulk or weather-stripping around drafty windows.

Caring For Your Plants

During the cold snap in 2022 A lot of homeowners plants suffered a tremendous faith. Newly planted vegetables, flowers, and gardening all froze and died . While this isn't something that causes major damage or a necessity. It's still worth preparing. Especially for Plant lovers

3) Prune Trees & Plants

When allowed to build up, ice and snow damage branches, which in turn can snap off trees and land on your house. Large overhanging tree branches could get heavy with snowfall and potentially break and fall onto your roof. If a tree is close to your home, prune its branches and cut down any low-hanging limbs.
You will want to have those branches trimmed before the snow starts falling. Low-hanging branches can also scrape your roof and damage shingles.

4) Clean The Gutters

Cleaning your gutters is an important part of winter prep. A good rule of thumb is to have the gutters cleaned as soon as the last leaves have fallen in the autumn. To prevent clogging, inspect and clean the gutters of leaves and other debris. Clean gutters will also allow melting snow to drain properly.

If you want to avoid gutter cleanings, consider gutter guards.

5) Inspect Heating System

Get Your Heating System Checked.

Your heating unit will be the one appliance you will regularly use. Thus, it makes perfect sense to give it a detailed look before putting it to use.

Start by checking the air filters of your heating system when winterizing your house. If they have accumulated dirt or dust, take them out, wash them, and leave them out to dry. Once completely dry and clean, put them back in. That is an option. However I recommend buying new filters every 90 days. A clean filter will improve air quality and reduce energy bills by as much as 15%.

A/c filter replacement in houston tx

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