All About Exterior Painting

Houston Exterior Painting

Everything Exterior Painting Related

Everything You Need To Know About Exterior Painting .

Exterior Painting is one of the things that if its not done you can tell .If it is done you definitely can tell as well . It can make an old house brand spanking new. It can make a new house build more character than taking a personal development class. Painting the outside of your home is one of the things you HAVE to do at one time or another. Not only for looks but protecting the overall health of your home... Some think of paint and automatically associate it with aesthetics. Forgetting about the Actual benefits you can reap from painting your home.

Then Benefits of Exterior Painting

There are Loads of benefits. Your home can be the focal point of a neighborhood. The envy of of all your neighbors with a freshly intact home . People would see your home and automatically associate it with someone who have there priorities in check, or even luxury . Paint is the first level of protection to the harsh elements . Living in Texas we get Hot summers just baking your siding and trim. Painting protects those uv rays as well as the colder weather in the winter months .

The Cost Is Quite Insignificant Compared To The Benefits It Gives .

A good quality of Exterior Paint will cost you anywhere from $40-$99 (retail price). Now think about not painting and wood rotting out. Compare the two cost and Exterior painting beats replacing trim,siding, and doors any day of the week. There are additional cost that accrue if your hiring someone to do the painting for you but, if you're doing the painting yourself you will have a minor expense . Its always a good time to know about Exterior Painting tips & Techniques to get you going .

Choosing Your Paint

Figuring out which paint and colors you re wanting for you home could be a fun task or a draining one. When I'm hired to do the painting I always leave it up to the home owners preference . Only one time I was granted 100% creativity and I left a rather good impression in the neighborhood. When picking paint you have to always keep in mind what you pick how it would clash with your current layout, Brick color and etc. Not to mention In Most neighborhoods ran by a Home owner association Your choices are limited ( I know you spend all this money to own your home but, have to answer to someone else) that is another story for another day.

Not only choosing a color and brand of paint is to be considered but also the sheen . What i see ty[ically, an what i apply goes like this

  • Siding - Either Satin , Sometimes flat
  • Trim - Semigloss or Satin
  • Door - Semigloss .

That is the combination of Exterior Painting I normally see and perform . Every Now again you'll See a 1 color home with all flat paint ( I call it a budget paint job). The higher the sheen the more the paint cost . The higher the sheen the more flaws would be seen as well . With that being said If your choosing a higher sheen You have to make sure your prep work Paints made with 100 percent acrylic resins rank as the best all around up to par .

A Few Different Types of Paints

You have the latex based paints Aka water based . These are your acrylics and etc . Then you have your oil based Aka solvent based . I never recommend Painting an exterior with oil based paints . I try to get the 100% acrylic resin every time I can . Here you can read about the 9 Best Exterior Paints according to the website by the spruce. There are multiple products in today's age to choose from . You have certain types of products for all kind of different surfaces. You have alot of trim? Pick up a urethane . You have mostly brick or stucco? Go for an elastomeric and masonry paint . Acrylic also gets the job done , Evenn better If you ask me .

Figuring out how much to but is quite easy .

Every can of Paint have a spec sheet on the back of the can . Example: "covers 350 sq ft per gallon. Just measure your home and plug in the numbers . Sites like zillow.com, and har.com have a data base of your home with all the specs and dimensions. You can also use an online paint calculator , like the one from Lowes, Sherwin-Williams, and Home Depot. Once you figure that out then you can get to purchasing your exterior paint.

All About Prep

Like I mentioned before , Your prep has to be up to par to make a beautiful finished project . Clean and dirt free so the paint can adhere perfectly . Once you master prep then your ready to start slinging paint . types of prep to be familiar with

  • Sanding
  • Scraping Loose Paint
  • Caulking
  • Filling holes
  • Replaces trim & Siding
  • Power Washing

Let's Paint Now

Make sure that its time carved out where there are consecutive sunny days. Would be shame to strt a project and get caught by bad weather . Putting the project off for additional time . Here is my tips and tricks

Enjoy the Process and the finsished project. If I left something out feel free to post it in the comments .

Whats your favorite Themes for Exterior Home Painting Colors?