Mount Your TV or Use A TV Stand?

That's a good question. The answer always falls back on preference I always advocate for a Tv mount . Flat screen Tv's were made to be mounted. Mounting a Tv could save space and offer many other benefits.

Reason To Hang Your Television

One reason to mount your TV to the wall is for the aesthetic look of a wall mounted television. Having it hung gives you a more cinematic feel . Especially for living and game rooms .

Save Space With TV Mounting

Having a big Television on an even bigger stand just plain out takes up space. I'm sure once your tv is mounted you can find a much better use of the extra space.

Improve tripping hazards

We've all one time or another ran into our TV stand on multiple occasions. Hit our toe at the corner of it or just flat out run into it on a dark night. Hanging your TV on the wall eliminates those Trip hazards.

TV mounts Are Inexpensive Compared to Stands

You can get a Tv mount starting at around $19.99 Vs buying a TV stand. Then on top of that a lot of TV stands don't come assembled. You will have to assemble it or hire a handyman to do so . I just feel mounting a TV is simpler . Even if you don't know how to mount yourself . Hiring a handyman to get you going is pretty easy and cost effective as well. Overall mounting you TV gives a cleaner look .

Cons of Mounting Televisions

With a lot of pros to hanging Tv's there are some real cons . One being sometimes it is difficult to hang when not finding studs to support the weight of the Television

No Wires Hidden

Sometimes it can make for a hard job when there is no outlet close to where you want to mount your Tv . You will have to break out extension chords and make it work the best way possible. If times you can;t hide the wires in the wall effectively you'll have to install a new outlet to support that . When hiring your handyman they should be able to accommodate this need if they feel comfortable and are knowledgeable with electrical work. If you are going at it alone you may have to hire someone to install your new outlet or have to choose another location for the TV to be hung.

Types Of Television Mounts

  1. Standard flush mount - Doesn't move or support any angles. Installed Flush onto the wall in a fixed position.
  2. Tilt mount - Like the flush mount it doesn't support many motions only tilt up or down . Otherwise it is flush on the wall.
  3. Full motion mount- This mount moves in many positions it moves left ,right, up and down. I also can be pushed in or out . swivel and any other range of motion . The best choice for a television to be hung . This is the most expensive wall mount which still is pretty inexpensive compared to a top of the line Television Stand.

In conclusion

TV mounting is always a preference rather than what's right or wrong in this given situation .

Need help with your TV mounting feel free to reach out I'd be more than happy to help out.