Gutter Cleaning
Cleaning Gutters Is More Important Than You Think
Gutter Cleaning offers many benefits to the overall health of your home's structure. You may think well, I don't have any trees in my yard I don't need to clean them at all. NEWSFLASH , Not only leaves can clog up gutters .
The Benefits Of Gutter Cleaning
- Prevent Water Damage
- Protect Roof Damages
- Keep Pests away
- Save You money In the Long run
How Much Of A Problem Is Clogged Gutters Really?
Let's put it this way. When Your gutters are Clogged It gives rain water no where to run to. The water continues to overflow and over time your roof is now damaged. Of course you have shingles to protect but water will still penetrate over time leaving the wood sheeting underneath susceptible to rot , causing a weakened damaged roof. This is A future costly repair you can avoid just by having them cleaned and debris free.
Even If You Have Gutter Guards , You Still Need To Clean
Gutter guards are designed to lessen the amount of leaves and debris coming inside. While having these installed will limit the number of cleanings needed . It doesn't eliminate it all together. Even with gutter guards small debris can get trapped inside causing them not to work properly and yes, a clog and overflowing comes with that as well. Eventually, gutter guards can block your gutters entirely, keeping anything, even water from entering the system and being properly channeled away from your foundation.
Clogged Downspouts
Your gutter can be clear of all leaves and debris but if your down spouts are clogged where will the water go? The answer is nowhere the water will sit on the top weighing down your gutters ( causing damages you may need to repair) Spilling water on your roof, and fascia promoting rot. You'll have to repair and repaint as well
Clogged gutter also invites pests. No one wants a pest problem. Leaves and Debris Is overall Inviting to pest which in turn loves filth . Next thing you know you'll have a family of rodents and bugs camping around your home and inside your gutters . Combine that with continued wood deteriorating they will find holes and have a free pass inside your house rent free.
Schedule Bi-yearly gutter cleaning
As a homeowner , property manager or facility manager there is a bucket list of things to maintain the home. Do not neglect this task by any means . It's recommended every spring and fall to do a gutter cleaning. You can tackle it alone HOW TO CLEAN GUTTERS or you can hire a handyman to help you out there . Check out this video of a cleaning I Done recently in Missouri City TX . I'd be more than happy to help you out as well If you need a hand .