Why I don’t Have Helpers or Employees Anymore.

Why I No Longer Have Employees or Helpers?

Why I Don't have a helper 
  1.  I found out I really don't need one.
  2. They cost Money.
  3. The ones that are affordable aren't good for business, they usually don't have a vehicle, don't bring their lunch , They mostly all got a criminal record
  4.  a quality individual I can tolerate being around don't  want to do manual labor. anymore.

They say to be successful you need a team .

Now  I do believe that , but it's not 100% true in every case . I've been on this journey since 2017 and have had my good and bad days . At one point employed  4 people and a sub contractor to help bring the best experience to my customer base . Sometimes it ended in spectacular fashion and others not so much . What I found is most people really don't want to work . I found out which should've been obvious that no one is going to take care of my  customers like I will no matter what amount of dollar figure I decide to compensate them with. From,cut corners , shortcuts, half done work all the way to leaving a mess is not what I want this service to represent . Call backs and leaving a job incomplete . Within the last 2 months I've realized and decided to be a lone ranger . Yes it may take a little longer to complete the job but, I know your project or task will be completed to the upmost professionalism. No more worrying if someone is going to show up on time and do the job right to it's completely. From now on out it's me , by myself (occasionally with my nephew as a clean up guy)putting in the work , the hours and the true craftsmanship needed to bring you the best customer experience.   At this moment staying self employed is so much simpler . There Is no need for the added stress and anxiety of doing really high volume of work to make sure  I'm paying more money an doing more work for the employees. Going to an estimate running around chasing work  here and there driving further than I'd like to go for getting more work. Staying self employed is just....Simple! At this particular time I'm not looking to grow a large construction business, painting Business, or Handyman business .  When growing a business you have to keep feeding the machine rather your team is really with you for the long haul . Or eventually the business an be profitable you can sell or take out dividends . You have to have a large marketing share/budget . Huge reputation and budget that can run itself . Its a big job right now that I don't want I rather keep it on  smaller scale and service as many customers possible and create life ling relationships . Who knows maybe in the future I'll try to grow the business again but as of right now this makes more sense for me. I'm happier and less stress. and each of my clients are handled with the upmost attention to detail and thoroughness from me by ME.