When You Should Get Exterior Painting In Houston TX?
This is a common question that gets asked so many times. The answer could be answered straight up or In depth. I'll give you both . It is said that you should paint the exterior of your home every 5-7 years for various reasons . There are a lot of variables to determine if that is true in your case. We all know that painting outside can be a daunting task but little do some know that painting your exterior is more than cosmetic, It preserves the integrity of your home
Is The Paint Peeling, Flaking, Or Fading On The Exterior?

If the paint is Peeling,Flaking , and faded is a clear indicator that it's time for a new coat of paint. An old Paint job could be the reason for those issues as well as poor wall preparation, moisture accumulation within walls, incorrect rolling techniques, painting in adverse weather conditions, adhesion failure caused by poor-quality products or incompatibility between primer and paint types, and normal wear and tear.
The Quality Of The Exterior Paint Is A Big Factor
When deciding to go with lower quality (cheaper) on paint , Your paint job's durability will be compromised. Cheaper paints simply aren’t as durable and won’t last as long as the more premium paints. Opting for a bargain paint will leave you having to paint again , a lot sooner than you should. The Reason being It has fewer solids and more solvents. Once the solvents evaporate, the thinner paint film left behind will be less durable and won't cover as well. You'll spend more time and money repainting to achieve the performance of a high quality paint . Here is more on that subject from one of our trusted suppliers Sherwin-Williams. You can read the article " Paint Quality: Why It Matters"
Where you live can be a determining factor .As well When Considering Painting The Outside Of Your Home .
We know the weather in Richmond Tx and surrounding areas can be brutal to your homes paint. Especially with the sun always beaming, high humidity causing moisture.Over time this effects paint and reduces its life performance.
Sunlight contains powerful UV rays that react with the pigments in the paint, slowly bleaching them out. When humidity is high, paint is exposed to greater amounts of water vapor. This condensation can result in damage of the finish, like lifting & paint failure
So again thee are many factors to determine how often you should paint your house. If you aren't sure about your house painting topics discussed in this article. Reach out to your local painting contractor or handyman. They could better to help you out and determine if painting your home is needed at the time.
If you wanna go at it alone make sure you are armed with all you need . I comprised a list of EXTERIOR PAINTING TOOLS YOU"LL NEED.