Spring Home Maintenance Check list

When the winter is in hinds sight, it's time to check for damage and prepare for whats ahead .

We'll be getting longer days, and much warmer weather . This is the ideal time to go outside and take care of larger home projects. No Cold snaps and hard freezes , Although Texas isn't really known for those , but remember the 2021 freeze. Time to make needed repairs and even get your garden ready for the summer.

Clean Gutter & Downspouts

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gutter Cleaning

When the last stretch of cold weather is finished , It's essential to have your gutters & downspouts repaired and cleaned. Clogged gutters causes wood from the roof line to decay and rot. With that ,critters can find a way into your home.

Getting gutter cleaning early in the season could combat damage from the heavy rains we see in the spring. They should be clear and free flowing diverting water away from home and foundation .

Inspect the Roof

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When spring arrives, start by making a simple visual inspection of your roof. Look for missing shingles, metal pipes that are damaged or missing, or anything that simply doesn’t look right. If you notice anything that needs closer inspection or repair, call a handyman.

Seal Exterior Wood

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Wood decks, fences, railings, trellises, pergolas, and other outdoor structures will last longer and stay in better condition if they’re stained or resealed every year or two. Take this opportunity to make any needed repairs to woodwork as well

Paint The Exterior

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If you’re planning to repaint your home’s exterior this year, spring is a good time to get that taken care of. Want to paint but can’t decide on a color? Explore your town and snap pictures of house colors you like, browse photos on pintrest or work with a color consultant to get that just-right hue.

Check Screen Doors and Windows

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Screens are designed to let in fresh flow of air and keep bugs out They can only do their job if they’re free from holes and tears. Before setting up your screens for the warm months ahead, be sure to carefully check each one and repair any holes or tears, no matter how small. You can find screen repair kits at most hardware and home improvement stores.

A/C Maintenance

 To get the longest life out of your cooling system and keep it running as efficiently as possible, change the filters at least once each season,